The Vaad
All the members of Kehillat Ahavat Tzion play an important and active role in maintaining the smooth running and development of the Kehillah, whether in the spiritual, chesed, educational, financial or functional spheres.
The Va'ad is an annually elected body which oversees the progress of our volunteer committees. If you are interested in joining a committee, or for more information about the committees and their activities, please contact the Va'ad directly: vaad@ahavat-tzion.com
This years vaad members are:
Netanel Derovan
Daniel Rosenfield
Gabi Frei
Zev Jackobson
Hanna Rais
We look forward to hearing from you, the membership of Kehillat Ahavat Tzion, about any aspect of the community - ideas, feedback, initiatives and of course requests to volunteer for the many programs and projects which have characterized KAT in recent years!
Rav Menachem Copperman
Mobile: 054 473 1052, or Home: 077 492 0357
Email: mcopperman@gmail.com
Yair Blumenfeld
Daniel Raye, Head Gabbai
054-565-5136 / danraye@gmail.com
Avi Tzur, 1st Minyan
054-425-0659 / tzuravi@gmail.com
Keith Shaw, 1st Minyan Laining
054-288-5651 / keith.a.shaw@gmail.com
Noam Herrmann, 2nd Minyan
054-469-0491 / nherrmann2004@kellogg.northwestern.edu
Zvi Yeres, 2nd Minyan
054-526-2818 / zvi@amav.net
Ross Fleischman, 2nd Minyan Leining
052-609-3375 / ross_f@zahav.net.il