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Kehillat Ahavat Tzion (KAT) was established just before Rosh Hashana 5760 (September 1999) in Ramat Bet Shemesh by a handful of anglo olim.  Its purpose was to create a warm kehilla that could act both as a spiritual home and an extended family for its members. In its ten years of existence, KAT's membership has increased to over 80 families, including new and veteran olim as well as native Israelis. From our modest beginnings in the living room of one of the members, we now hold our tefillot in our beautiful shul complex, into which we moved on Rosh Hashana 5768 (September 2007). The complex comprises of the shul together with a beit midrash, simcha hall and Rabbi's office (the latter two unfinished). KAT is a vibrant community, committed to making everyone feel welcome. We cater to the needs of our members - young and old - through tefillot, shiurim, children's services and special events.  Our chesed programs ensure that no member is ever alone in a time of need. We pride ourselves on being a close-knit kehilla run by our members, who are involved in every aspect of our development through an extensive framework of committees and volunteers.


However, what makes Kehillat Ahavat Tzion so special? 

  • Welcoming and supportive home for new Olim- KAT is a big reason for the success of many people's aliya, while helping to build a vibrant religious Zionist community in Israel.

  • Chesed orientated community: We have a unique chesed network, offering speedy practical and emotional support for those in need including meals for the sick and help with children. The KAT "family" is always there to help. 

  • Warm community: KAT is an extended family for many of our members, especially those with few or no relatives in Israel.

  • Olim and native blend: One of the few communities in Ramat Beit Shemesh where there is a genuine blending and bonding of native Israelis and olim.

Kehillat Ahavat Tzion (KAT) was established just before Rosh Hashana 5760 (September 1999) in Ramat Bet Shemesh by a handful of anglo olim.  Its purpose was to create a warm kehilla that could act both as a spiritual home and an extended family for its members. In its ten years of existence, KAT's membership has increased to over 80 families, including new and veteran olim as well as native Israelis. From our modest beginnings in the living room of one of the members, we now hold our tefillot in our beautiful shul complex, into which we moved on Rosh Hashana 5768 (September 2007). The complex comprises of the shul together with a beit midrash, simcha hall and Rabbi's office (the latter two unfinished). KAT is a vibrant community, committed to making everyone feel welcome. We cater to the needs of our members - young and old - through tefillot, shiurim, children's services and special events.  Our chesed programs ensure that no member is ever alone in a time of need. We pride ourselves on being a close-knit kehilla run by our members, who are involved in every aspect of our development through an extensive framework of committees and volunteers.


However, what makes Kehillat Ahavat Tzion so special? 

  • Welcoming and supportive home for new Olim- KAT is a big reason for the success of many people's aliya, while helping to build a vibrant religious Zionist community in Israel.

  • Chesed orientated community: We have a unique chesed network, offering speedy practical and emotional support for those in need including meals for the sick and help with children. The KAT "family" is always there to help. 

  • Warm community: KAT is an extended family for many of our members, especially those with few or no relatives in Israel.

  • Olim and native blend: One of the few communities in Ramat Beit Shemesh where there is a genuine blending and bonding of native Israelis and olim.

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