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KAT Tzedaka Fund

Kehillat Ahavat Tzion (kat) is a warm welcoming Kehilla that opens its doors to the whole of Ramat Bet Shemesh. We has been running our own charity fund for the last 3 years, doing everything we can to help families connected to our community. There are people who are less fortunate than us; people who are dealing with the constant worry of how to pay their bills in order to stay in their own homes and to put enough food on their tables so that their children will not feel the desperation of their situation.


We are turning to you today with a request to continue to donate to our Gemach. We currently have a few very serious cases within the community and we do not have the financial capability to help them enough. Please remember the gemach that there are families on your own doorstep who daven in the same shul as you, who also need help.


We do not need to wait for the classic days of Tzedaka, Yamim Noraim, Purim and Pesach. WE CAN CHANGE THE SITUATION TODAY. All allocations from the Gemach's funds receive the approval Rav Menachem Copperman. Checks can be made out to Kehilat Ahavat Tzion. All contributions will receive a receipt and are tax deductible according to tax law 46a. Please do not hesitate to turn to us with any questions,




Gidon Weisz (054 2160084)




Tzvi Sperber (052 8741977)

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